
Party Deco

Kalendarz adwentowy Torebki, mix

39,90 zł
sold and shipped by: Stylowe Party

The product is sold by the Marketplace Seller on the Marketplace Home&You online trading platform. Every Marketplace Seller is an entrepreneur. The sales contract is concluded with the Marketplace Seller. All obligations related to the sales contract and responsibility for the execution of the order rest with the Marketplace Seller. The Marketplace Seller is solely responsible for respecting consumer rights.

product description:
Kalendarz adwentowy Torebki, zestaw zawiera: 3 wzory papierowych torebek w kolorze czerwonym ( 2 wzory mają złoty metalizowany nadruk), po 8 z każdego wzoru i 24 złote naklejki z białym nadrukiem numerów od 1 do 24. Wymiary torebek ok. 8 x 18 x 6.5 cm.
  • Product details
